Time to start answering your email & DMs

by: Verbal Shredwright

So, you're back to work in the uncharted COVID-19 economy. Good for you, since many have lost their jobs and haven't gotten them back, and maybe won't. You probably noticed gloves, plexi-glass dividers, hand sanitizer and of course face masks are part of the new or temporary normal. Perhaps, now you will have time to check and answer your email and social media messages regularly too! If you are working from home or at a fraction of the normal staff and capacity you may need to remind yourself and co-workers people may prefer to use these contact methods more during these uncertain times, if your phone is always busy, or no one is there to answer it... you're losing business. If your website sends auto-responders saying you'll get back to people, but you never do… how does that work for your business revenues and reputation?

From groceries and restaurants to government and charities contact-less interactions and transactions are becoming more important. The age of parents simply picking up the phone may not be as easy now when the kids are home without school, daycare, camp or extra curricular activities. Even if they are open… how do you afford it when you're out of work? Emails, texts and social media contact is more important now than ever before. Those unwilling or unable to adapt to these trends out of necessity may not survive depending on the duration of low levels of consumer confidence. Flexibility and a willingness to adapt to changing variables will ultimately determine who thrives… who survives… and who doesn't.

Many traditional government, business and charity models will be rendered obsolete without integrating technology to increase capacities while reducing operating costs. Things like tele-health are already proving to increase accessibility and benefits, while reducing facility costs and complimenting adapting in-person learning for all students regardless of age or location. This is one example of a needs-based adaptation resulting revenue new streams and enhancing safety and efficiency. Similarly these tele-services can been applied to special education and other services to help reduce wait lists and suffering, while helping reduce long-term care and support costs. But, there's a catch. The businesses and professionals have to be willing to embrace and use these technologies effectively. And for some of them that means becoming familiar and comfortable using these technologies. Remember that part above about who doesn't survive?

Answering email, chat, texting and social media messaging are all more prevalent as homes become more than just where you hang out after work or school and keep your stuff. Now it's a classroom, an office, rec center, doctors office and more. Being connected and staying connected means embracing and using technologies. Sometimes that means online meetings and homework are being done before streaming movies and listening to music, but the point is we're all doing more online to stay connected to family, friends and work. That means flexibility during the day to do what needs to be done for you and your family unit requires balance when it comes to work responsibilities. After all you don't need to be in the office or on the clock to answer emails, texts and social media messages. Everyone is adapting, and failing to do so may cost some leaders, brands and businesses much more than they ever imagined if they can't keep up.




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