Pointed and provocative views on real issues facing locals and visitors across the mountains.
Actions Speak Louder than Words
The most honest reflection of any
society is how they treat the weakest and most vulnerable
members of their own communities. You remember the sick,
children, elderly, poor, etc. In the mountains hypocrisy is
everywhere… on one hand there are world-class resorts, mountain
mansions and more sparing no expense. And on the other hand you
can trip over all kinds of local business associations,
charities and fund raisers. So, how can towns with populations
of only a few thousand and excessive resources let even one of
their neighbors or employees in need fall the cracks? Exclusion
and Excuses.
Exclusion is the number one form of
bullying. Think about it. When you were in school you remember
the kids who sat alone at the lunch table… or was always picked
last at gym or recess. Why? Just because that kid was poor,
different or had a disability, but that didn't matter… that just
made them an easy target. So, if you're excluded and bullied
when you try and go places… isn't it common sense to think you
might stop trying and going out? And, in small mountain towns
that means you might not feel welcome anywhere at all. The first
thing bullies do is blame the person they are bullying. They
judge others and find a justification for their bad behaviors.
Excuses are everywhere. The number
one excuse "the mountains are transient". So, the family that
has been living and working here for ten years suddenly
disappears without telling anyone? Or another favorite… mountain
doctors offices can call you anywhere on the planet to collect a
$10 co-pay, but can't make a courtesy call to their heart,
cancer or other patients of ten or more years who miss
appointments? If our mountain communities want to be world-class
we aren't going to get there by judging people, labeling people
or leaving them out and making excuses about it. Ten years ago
poor people with disabilities were told to take their problems
and go away. And in some places that has not much has changed.
It starts with kids at school. It
turns into exclusion from meaningful opportunities and income in
the future. Out of sight out of mind. After being bullied and
excluded all the time you come to expect it. You do know that
you don't like how it makes you feel. But, bullies learn their
behavior too… from their parents and schools to careers and
business. Bullies want and need control over who they deem
worthy of inclusion. The truth is most people don't even think
they are doing it. And when people stand up for themselves they
get labeled negative, toxic or worse. Stop worrying about the
tone of someone's voice when they are struggling, and start
concerning yourself with the content of what they are saying…
Are they asking YOU for help?
When people stand up for themselves
it's not like the movies. They don’t overcome and triumph in the
end. The reason it's a movie is because that's not how real life
is. Bullies fight back. They certainly don't want to be called
out, because the truth hurts! Remember that's how you get
labeled toxic, negative or bad for business. The difference is…
this isn't high school anymore. These are real people with real
lives who are struggling to live through no fault of their own.
But, it's easier to blame them instead of listen to them. That's
why bullies always point out the select people they chose to
help, or wealthy families or individual who already own their
home or business they can afford everything they need. Comparing
apples to oranges is another excuse made by bullies to continue
excluding and blaming those who are less fortunate for their
Remember talk is cheap, and action
will always speak louder than words. Judging people and talking
about them behind their back is not solving problems… it makes
them worse. Don’t claim you care about people and then judge and
exclude them. Don't claim your door is open to everyone when it
is not. Do not claim all life is priceless and then tell someone
they cannot afford to live. Is that how you would want to be
treated if you were in that position?